Non-education: An Alternative to Learning Methods

By Marie –





André Stern, 42 years old at the time of this video, is a living experience of what happens to a child who has never received any type of education, and whose childhood has never been interrupted. His testimonial deconstructs the conceived ideas on what is the best education for the optimal development of a child. He actually lays a new foundation for “an alternative to education”. What if a child left alone without any constraint to learn specific notions and topics at a specific time, had actually a spontaneous disposition to learn on its own faster and more efficiently? Indeed, in the light of modern neurosciences, the child is equipped with the most adequate self-learning tools: play, curiosity and enthusiasm.

It seems that the development of the child free of imposed learning methods may prevent the fragmentation of the mind by constant interruption of activities, busy schedules, rigid ideas and prejudices (to not say dogmas), tests and scores, and rewards and punishments which instill fear, doubt, low self-esteem, need for approval, conformism and so forth. Compartmentalized, the child loses connection with the whole, the unity, the universality – and thereby himself. Things, people, concepts are divided and segregated into boxes made of thick walls. The premise for division and war is set up.

The mental compartmentalization is a technique dear to the elite and its servants for mind and mass control because it keeps individuals in a state of fear, ignorance, stupidity and submission. As explained at length in the Personocratia booklet #9: Education, Towards Innate Knowledge, the elite has refined those methods to apply them worldwide in most educational programs, starting with Kindergarten to insure a ‘zero-default’ supply of obedient and zombified slaves.

More and more parents are aware of the dumbing-down education system and turn to alternative methods to save their children from the idiotization process and thus preserve their free spirit. But the alternative options can turn into a nightmare as they are time-consuming and they require a lot of personal and financial investment from parents who also have to deal with the hassle of the state’s requirements.

André Stern shows the traits of a genuine and accomplished person – whole, smart, grounded, talented, creative, enthusiastic, open-minded, and fully integrated into society. His experience may inspire parents to try something different, something much simpler which goes back to the natural dispositions inherent to all human beings. It seems that, once again, we have complicated everything by letting others convince us that we are stupid, that others know better (especially authority figures), and that we cannot learn on our own by tapping into our inner resources. Consequently, we have projected these convictions onto our offspring.

Maybe, as parents and ‘educators’, it is time that we trust in the incredible innate abilities of children. Our little ones may actually sense what is best for them in terms of timing and pace for apprenticeship, and which learning tools suit them best according to their personality. I see parents praise their child’s uniqueness and ‘naturality’ but do they realize that forced education tends to fade their originality and creativity?

This video made me realize that it is time that we get rid of the false and outdated belief that there’s an age limit to learn new and complex things; that we start trusting in our boundless inner capacities that are simply imprisoned in our (compartmentalized) mental cage and are waiting to break free. In other words, it is time that we acknowledge the reality of who we really are as human beings: unlimited, omniscient and omnipotent creative beings! I let you be inspired… .





Why You Should Trash Your TV and Other Devices

by Ghis > and Mado Sauve >
Without it, see true reality.

Without it, you’ll see true reality.

Schooling plays a big role in programming the population, but the most potent and prevalent educational tools are the
mass media. These are devised to reach a large audience via the
broadcasting of information through natural means (spoken or written language, posters) or technological ones (radio, television, cinema, the Internet). With time, the elite controlled all the important mass media and were able to dictate its contents.
The trick is easy. All the elite need to do is repeat the same simplistic lies in all the media and the population will believe them without a doubt. This is how lies acquire an irresistible aura of credibility. A specialist of mass brainwashing, L. Wolfe, explains it further: “As Tavistock’s researchers showed, it was important that the victims  of mass
brainwashing not be aware that their environment was being controlled; there should thus be a vast number of sources for information, whose messages could be varied slightly, so as to mask the sense of external control.”
Wolfe specified that the contents had to be entertaining and leave the impression that the person always had the choice between various messages and sources. Therefore, the same repetitive information remains hidden behind different and appealing guises.
Around 1920, theTavistock Institute became the center for the study of human behavior, mind control, propaganda, and manipulation. Created in London, it spread overseas with the financial help of the Rockefeller Foundation. Its influence increased when it combined the study of anthropology, economy, organizations, politics, psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry, and sociology. For example, Tavistock organized social phenomena such as the hippie counterculture and the use of mind-altering drugs. Its primary objectives were and still remain the organization of cultural changes through the imposition of chaos and the occult manipulation of special groups. With a 2012 budget of around 6 billion USD, it is now made up of 10 institutions, 400 subsidiary companies, and 3,000 study groups. In secret, Tavistock guides powerful multinationals such as the Rand Corp. (media, politics, commerce, health, education, defence), the Mitre Corp. (defence, revenue, national security), the Standford and Hudson Institutes, etc.
After 90 years of research, Tavistock’s main discovery concerns child sexuality. This has a great influence on the development of personality. Early sex stimulation produces adults whose emotional development is similar to that of a neurotic child. Their second discovery is related to stress. Tavistock researchers found out that people under
controlled stress became more infantile and gave up strongly held beliefs under group pressure to conform to popular opinion. That explains why the mass media insist so much on sex, violence, and fear-inducing messages. We are being turned into scared,
submissive children who try to evade from their daily stress through emotional masturbation – television, radio, CDs, DVDs, movies, and video games.
Westerners spend four hours a day, the equivalent of two months a year or nine years in a lifetime, being hypnotized by a television screen, without being conscious of the effects this activity has on them. They have stopped interacting with friends, neighbors, community, and even family. Their free time is spent in imaginary relationships with fictitious characters on the screen.
A few US statistics will show us the extent of the phenomenon: 99 % of households own at least one TV; there are 2.24 TVs per family; the television remains open 7 hours a day; 66 % eat in front of their television sets. The addiction starts right after birth, since 30% of kids who are 0 to 1 year old and 47 % of the 5 to 8 year-olds have televisions in their rooms. A typical US child spends 3.5 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with a parent, but 1680 minutes per week in front of TV. Is this why television is called the “one-eyed babysitter”? By the time they are 65, most people have seen 2,000,000 TV ads. This phenomenon is becoming global.
The earth population has become addicted to television. If one decides to quit the TV habit, she experiments withdrawal symptoms that are as severe as those related to drug or alcohol abuse. There is a direct relationship between child obesity – which is severe for 11% of 6 to 17 year olds in US – and advertisements, since the most popular types of commercials are related to junk food. A study counted more than 200 junk food
ads during four hours of cartoons on Saturday morning US television. When compared with radio listening, the good side of television is that there are pictures. The more there are to accompany a special news report, the more tangible it will seem and the lesser the chance of people questioning its accuracy. Media expert Hal Becker once said:
“I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television… You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images.
How can the elite succeed in reaching full control of television? Through government control! Politicians vote and impose laws that favour large TV stations over smaller ones. Better still, most countries have their own sanitized and free State television station.
21st century family gathering

21st century family gathering

Tavistock hastened to study the effects of television on human behavior as early as the forties. Its researchers discovered that 30 seconds after one starts watching TV, the brain automatically begins to produce alpha waves, a modified state of consciousness. The viewer goes into a trance-like mode, a type of light hypnosis. All her attention is now concentrated on the screen, to the detriment of the rest of her environment. In
this semi-conscious state, she becomes highly sensitive to the messages contained in the programs, especially the commercial ads. These are created especially for that purpose.
Television started becoming popular in the fifties. The elite have now accumulated more than 60 years of experience spread over three generations of viewers. The results are staggering. People are no longer logical. Their opinions and ideas come directly from television. The images validate what they hear. This filter of tele-opinions gets automatically superimposed over their daily reality. They have become passive members of a plugged-in society, and can no longer think, talk, or write logically. For them, images and knowledge are synonymous. They have become tele-idiots!
In Europe, violence on television is as critical as in America. Specialized stations such as Baby TV and Baby First broadcast programs for babies 24/7. When toddlers are one year old, they are already watching one hour of television a day. Statistics from 1988 showed that during one week of TV watching, viewers witness 670 murders, 15 rapes, 848 fights, 419 shootings or explosions, 11 armed robberies, 8 suicides, 32 hostage takings, 27 torture scenes, 9 defenestrations, 13 strangulations, and 11 war scenes. Nowadays, these types of event are not reserved to late hours. For example, Quebec’s popular TQS station presented the movie Terminator at 6:30 pm – just in time for kids.
And It’s Getting Worse! Ever heard of Silent Sound Spread Spectrum or SSSS? It is
a secret Pentagon psychotronic technology that has been operational since 1990. In 1991, it was used during the first Gulf War to force Iraqi troops to surrender en masse. Like compliant children, 200,000 men came out of their desert bunkers and fell to their knees before approaching US troops.
The SSSS is now available in your neighborhood – free of charge. It is carried to your brain with the use of several technologies, including chemtrails, cell towers and high definition digital television (HD-TV). In this way, the elite is aiming for total mind control to insure the compliance of its sheeple. Now you know why the government was so
enthusiastic about letting us get digital converter boxes for a cheap price. After all, they want us to have access to high-quality television images. So thoughtful!
Big Brother goes even further with digital streaming video that allows any person with a personal computer linked to the Internet to access and watch popular television programs. This is available for free through companies such as Hulu. In this way, computer monitors and HD-TV screens broadcast SSSS and combine it with subliminally-pulsed images to bring about specific emotions and physical responses to all listeners or a selected type of DNA (Blacks, Orientals, women, etc.). If the elite has a sample of a person’s DNA, it can even target selected individuals. Experimentation has shown that it is efficient – with various levels of efficiency – with about 85% of the population, while the remaining 15% seem immune to such mind control attempts.
What should we do now that we know? Well, truth is useless if we do not change our actions.
Number one: throw the television out the window! Even without this new mind-control technology, the television has always been a “box of lies”. Watching TV makes you stupid. All statistics are there to prove it. Forget the “good educational shows” that are simply there to misinform you.
Number two: limit the time you spend in front of the computer and on the internet. And never ever watch TV shows from the Internet.
Number three: do not use cell phones (whether ‘smart’ or not). Basically, it is like putting your head in the microwave oven and pushing the ‘ON’ button. It is difficult to avoid chemtrails, but living a TV-free and cellphone-free life is possible – you get so much more time to read, think (for yourself), meditate, exercise, cook, and keep good company.
The elite has hijacked our brains with their technology, but we still have our free will. We can choose to use it or not to use it. Which one will you choose?
  • Find out more about dumb-down education and media mass manipulation in this series of articles Education: The High Prize of Idiotization and in the   Personocratia booklet # 8 Education… Towards innate Knowledge, which offers concrete solutions to get out global mind-programming. You can order a copy of the booklet through the form below:

Education… Towards Innate Knowledge

Personocratia-booklet9 Get your copy today to get informed before you (or your children) get educated! Here is the description of the back cover:

Is school still meant to teach the three Rs: Reading, wRitting and aRythmetic? When one examines young adults, it becomes obvious that modern school is not as efficient as it used to be. Most youth read and count with difficulty, and their writing is filled with errors. Dyslexia has become the new epidemic, and the multiplication table remains a mystery to anyone under forty. Surprisingly, children start school earlier and finish later than previous generations. With computers, the Internet, television, video games and movies, one would expect a generation of gifted children. Yet, the opposite is true. What is going on?

Schools have become tools of mass “idiotization”!

Since 1945, UNESCO has assumed international control over education, science and culture. It has standardized pedagogical approaches across the globe and put a strong emphasis on ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies), environmental responsibility, and social conformity.  Through its promotion of human collective intelligence, it imposes a single planetary ideal – the hive mentality. Music, cinema, fashion, art, literature, radio, and television all deliver a similar message. Why such a relentless determination? The elite know that human beings are on the verge of a colossal evolutionary leap and try to prevent it. The outcome lies in our own hands!

In this booklet you will find the answer to the following questions:

  • What are the purpose of family, cultural and religious programs?
  • What truths remain absent from science, geography and history?
  • Why is the individualization of ego essential?
  • What lies hidden behind free mass media?
  • Why is homeschooling an attractive solution?
  • How can one have access to innate knowledge?
  • How will parents and children manifest the new being together?”

Read 3 book excerpts in our series “Education: The High Price of Idiotization


You can order a copy of this booklet through the form below:

Education: The High Price of Idiotization – PART 3

by Ghis > and Mado Sauve >


As we have seen it the two previous articles, it is difficult to do worse than kindergartens and schools when educating one’s child. Even the best alternative schools are caught in the vice of government monopoly. The best solution still remains homeschooling.

Millions of parents across the world have opted for homeschooling and most are not registered teachers. Some researchers have concluded that homeschooled kids are five to ten years ahead of schooled ones and they succeed as well in later life. The most common fear is that such children will become asocial. Such is not the case. They meet other homeschoolers, schooled kids (evenings, weekends, holidays, team sports), and other adults (family, neighbours, museums, libraries, markets, and so on).

In so-called democratic countries, parents can opt for the education of their choice for their children. Even if most parents and school administrators are not aware of this, charters and constitutions guarantee this right. In most countries, schooling is not compulsory, but education is. The school authorities are held responsible for checking that the education being received by each child is adequate. In Quebec, they are required to do so for all children between 5 and 16 years of age. This can vary from one State or province to another. It is best for future homeschooling parents to do some research and contact homeschooling associations before meeting with school authorities and proposing arrangements that will allow the latter to fulfill their mandate.

Obviously, the elite see in an unfavorable light the fact that a child may escape their programming. That is why the media demonize homeschooling and go as far as linking it with cults. For example, in France, MIVILUDES checked 1,119 home-schooled families in 2006. Yet, only 23 were later ordered to send their children to a recognized school.

Homeschooling parents associations have sprouted up in many countries. These parents study the law and meet to share information. They organize social or educational days for kids and parents. They attend conferences where specialists offer lectures on related subject.

Once parents and children have opted for homeschooling, the solutions are unlimited. The worst that can happen is for the authorities to force a child to attend school. However, this kid may decide not to obey their orders. If she refuses to collaborate and she is strong enough to remain calm and resolute under their skilful threats, what can they do against such determination? Nothing!

The main problem with homeschooling is not to show kids how to read, write, and count, but to solve the following problem: what to do with teenagers? These are ready to explore the world with more than maps and books. Home-schooled teens need to find master craftsmen or other inspiring adults to whom they can offer time and energy in exchange for information and skill learning. They become apprentices and choose an adoptive parent-teacher from whom to learn. This type of exchange can last a day, a week, or several months. Payment to the apprentice or the master is possible.

The WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is a well-known apprenticeship program found in 52 countries. “Wwoofers” are housed and fed in exchange for volunteer work. Often, they “wwoof” to learn something new – language, culture, construction, gardening, alternative medicine, trade – and to live a new lifestyle for a while. There are several similar programs that allow potential masters to welcome apprentices from all over the world. Each experience becomes a new adventure during which a master learns from her apprentice as much as she is showing him.

Some homeschoolers decide to go directly to university without going first for official prerequisites. Some universities have started accepting them, because they realize that such students are motivated and autonomous. However, remember that university learning is deceitful education at its highest level. Most people attend simply to get a professional diploma. Once they finish university, they have become the prisoners of a legal box – members of a rigidly-controlled professional order. Instead, a person can choose to become the apprentice of any professional or craftsman of her choice. Once her training is finished, she can use her skills outside the system – undeclared. She can even make her own diploma or buy a ready-made one on the Internet! Anything is possible once I decide what is best for me. Then, all I need to do is learn how to work outside the system. (See Personocratia Booklets 5 and 6).

Some discouraged parents will complain: “Homeschooling, you say? But I know nothing about teaching and I have to work. I have no choice but to send my kids to school!” First of all, you do have the choice; otherwise, you lower yourself to the level of an animal. The distinctive feature of human beings is their free will, this power for individual choice that the elite are trying so hard to eradicate. I can choose homeschooling or not. The question remains: Do I want to? If I choose not to, what motivates this choice? Most of the time, it is fear. What am I afraid of? Not having enough time or money? Not being knowledgeable or patient enough? Not getting my promotion, becoming important or famous?

The secret resides in the decision to home-school at all cost while refraining from having expectations or demanding guarantees. Parents and children learn together, and everything is perfect, whatever happens. If need be, the family simplifies its style of living to remain congruent with its values. If I choose to raise children, the idea is to do so as I would have liked to be raised myself.

Once the decision is taken to home-school, partnerships can be organized. In some homeschooling families, one parent takes care of the children from several families, once a week. Every day, a new parent takes over, while the others spend time away from their children to follow courses or work outside. When the number of families is sufficient, parents rent a large room and organize several activities in common. Others prefer to get together and hire a private teacher. The possibilities are endless.

For some parents, homeschooling is not a choice that attracts them. If I refuse to consider it, I tell myself the truth, and admit it to my children by saying: “I am sending you to school because it is the best solution for me. Be aware that you will be shown lies that you will later need to unlearn. You will be programmed to become an obedient robot. It is not true that schools and diplomas are important to succeed in life.” As soon as the child feels ready, you encourage her to become a dropout and an apprentice in something that interests her. At home, you should limit as much as possible all types of media and develop a complicity based on truth and sincerity. This way, parents and kids go down the same deprogramming road for 18 years, until the children reach adulthood.

Excerpt from Personocratia’s Booklet #8 – Education towards… Innate Knowledge – Purchase your copy on this site or at

Education: The High Price of Idiotization – PART 2

by Ghis > and Mado Sauve >


As we have seen it the two previous articles, it is difficult to do worse than kindergartens and schools when educating one’s child. Even the best alternative schools are caught in the vice of government monopoly. The best solution still remains homeschooling.

Millions of parents across the world have opted for homeschooling and most are not registered teachers. Some researchers have concluded that homeschooled kids are five to ten years ahead of schooled ones and they succeed as well in later life. The most common fear is that such children will become asocial. Such is not the case. They meet other homeschoolers, schooled kids (evenings, weekends, holidays, team sports), and other adults (family, neighbours, museums, libraries, markets, and so on).

In so-called democratic countries, parents can opt for the education of their choice for their children. Even if most parents and school administrators are not aware of this, charters and constitutions guarantee this right. In most countries, schooling is not compulsory, but education is. The school authorities are held responsible for checking that the education being received by each child is adequate. In Quebec, they are required to do so for all children between 5 and 16 years of age. This can vary from one State or province to another. It is best for future homeschooling parents to do some research and contact homeschooling associations before meeting with school authorities and proposing arrangements that will allow the latter to fulfill their mandate.

Obviously, the elite see in an unfavorable light the fact that a child may escape their programming. That is why the media demonize homeschooling and go as far as linking it with cults. For example, in France, MIVILUDES checked 1,119 home-schooled families in 2006. Yet, only 23 were later ordered to send their children to a recognized school.

Homeschooling parents associations have sprouted up in many countries. These parents study the law and meet to share information. They organize social or educational days for kids and parents. They attend conferences where specialists offer lectures on related subject.

Once parents and children have opted for homeschooling, the solutions are unlimited. The worst that can happen is for the authorities to force a child to attend school. However, this kid may decide not to obey their orders. If she refuses to collaborate and she is strong enough to remain calm and resolute under their skilful threats, what can they do against such determination? Nothing!

The main problem with homeschooling is not to show kids how to read, write, and count, but to solve the following problem: what to do with teenagers? These are ready to explore the world with more than maps and books. Home-schooled teens need to find master craftsmen or other inspiring adults to whom they can offer time and energy in exchange for information and skill learning. They become apprentices and choose an adoptive parent-teacher from whom to learn. This type of exchange can last a day, a week, or several months. Payment to the apprentice or the master is possible.

The WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) is a well-known apprenticeship program found in 52 countries. “Wwoofers” are housed and fed in exchange for volunteer work. Often, they “wwoof” to learn something new – language, culture, construction, gardening, alternative medicine, trade – and to live a new lifestyle for a while. There are several similar programs that allow potential masters to welcome apprentices from all over the world. Each experience becomes a new adventure during which a master learns from her apprentice as much as she is showing him.

Some homeschoolers decide to go directly to university without going first for official prerequisites. Some universities have started accepting them, because they realize that such students are motivated and autonomous. However, remember that university learning is deceitful education at its highest level. Most people attend simply to get a professional diploma. Once they finish university, they have become the prisoners of a legal box – members of a rigidly-controlled professional order. Instead, a person can choose to become the apprentice of any professional or craftsman of her choice. Once her training is finished, she can use her skills outside the system – undeclared. She can even make her own diploma or buy a ready-made one on the Internet! Anything is possible once I decide what is best for me. Then, all I need to do is learn how to work outside the system. (See Personocratia Booklets 5 and 6).

Some discouraged parents will complain: “Homeschooling, you say? But I know nothing about teaching and I have to work. I have no choice but to send my kids to school!” First of all, you do have the choice; otherwise, you lower yourself to the level of an animal. The distinctive feature of human beings is their free will, this power for individual choice that the elite are trying so hard to eradicate. I can choose homeschooling or not. The question remains: Do I want to? If I choose not to, what motivates this choice? Most of the time, it is fear. What am I afraid of? Not having enough time or money? Not being knowledgeable or patient enough? Not getting my promotion, becoming important or famous?

The secret resides in the decision to home-school at all cost while refraining from having expectations or demanding guarantees. Parents and children learn together, and everything is perfect, whatever happens. If need be, the family simplifies its style of living to remain congruent with its values. If I choose to raise children, the idea is to do so as I would have liked to be raised myself.

Once the decision is taken to home-school, partnerships can be organized. In some homeschooling families, one parent takes care of the children from several families, once a week. Every day, a new parent takes over, while the others spend time away from their children to follow courses or work outside. When the number of families is sufficient, parents rent a large room and organize several activities in common. Others prefer to get together and hire a private teacher. The possibilities are endless.

For some parents, homeschooling is not a choice that attracts them. If I refuse to consider it, I tell myself the truth, and admit it to my children by saying: “I am sending you to school because it is the best solution for me. Be aware that you will be shown lies that you will later need to unlearn. You will be programmed to become an obedient robot. It is not true that schools and diplomas are important to succeed in life.” As soon as the child feels ready, you encourage her to become a dropout and an apprentice in something that interests her. At home, you should limit as much as possible all types of media and develop a complicity based on truth and sincerity. This way, parents and kids go down the same deprogramming road for 18 years, until the children reach adulthood.

Excerpt from Personocratia’s Booklet #8 – Education towards… Innate Knowledge – Purchase your copy on this site or at


Throughout the spring of 2012, Quebec’s streets were invaded, day after day, by up to 125,000 angry students who were demonstrating against a stiff rise in university fees and the imposition of an RPR (Remboursement Proportionnel au Revenu) program. The media portrayed the students either as courageous knights or violent criminals, while Charest, Quebec’s prime minister, was presented both as a ruthless leader and a wise administrator of public funds. The good guys and the bad guys kept changing, but the media never questioned the true nature of the crisis. In order to clarify the situation, let us examine the worldwide picture of K-20 education (kindergarten to PhD).

Montreal Streets, May 2012

In the past decade, the globalization of schooling has been accelerating, thanks to organizations such as Education 2000 (born in 1983), 21st Century Learning Initiative (1995), Wikiversity and WikiEducator (2006), and the World Innovation Summit for Education (2009). The new pedagogical approach being favoured no longer depends on books and even less on teachers vomiting their knowledge onto students quietly listening behind rows of desks. Students of 21st century learning initiatives sit in front of computer screens and learn the lies dictated by the elite inside virtual classrooms. Instead of forcing everyone in the class to learn at the same speed and pass exams at the same time, each person can now follow her own rhythm.

This approach is called outcome-based education. Nobody ever flunks a test anymore. Their success is only “deferred” to a later date. Programmers who specialize in the control of human behaviour have designed appropriate educational software. Populations of all countries are gradually forced to learn a homogeneous series of data. In the meantime, they can never develop a capacity to reason or discriminate fact from fiction. The corresponding educational software market grows by 40 % every year! Huge multinationals shape out children’s minds until they are made ready for the next step: higher education.

Today, most young adults are expected to attend university. For example, in the USA, 70 % of high school graduates register to start a university degree. One third succeed and get out of university with an average debt of 24,000 $. They then need to reimburse this, plus the interest that starts to accumulate as soon as they leave school. In famous universities such as MIT or Harvard, the debt may go up to 200,000 $ and take up to 40 years to get reimbursed. Slavery for life! Most of these young adults would have gone to work right after high school if they had known that 60 % of university graduates now work in jobs that require no degree. These should consider themselves lucky, since the unemployment rate has gone up to 22 % (2011). Numerous very bright university graduates end up poor and discouraged, while more and more companies would rather employ resourceful non-graduates with experience in several fields.

With every country in the world now close to bankruptcy, things are about to get much worse, thanks to increase pressure from the World Bank, the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the OCDE (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) who have agreed with the recommendations of Nicholas Barr, from the London School of Economics. What is happening is the global privatization of all schooling, including higher education. And since most kids now believe that they must go through college or university to succeed in life, their parents and themselves are ready to accept long-term debt enslavement. Barr’s recommendations are now being implemented in Quebec through four basic steps: 1) The introduction of the RPR; 2) The rise in school fees; 3) The increase of loan limits; 4) Stiffer laws to force total repayment. All this is sold to the public in the name of the “right to a higher education”. Soon, almost everybody will have school debts. The State will serve as guarantor and borrowers will pay back fortunes in interest to private bankers.

This educational conspiracy is now becoming global. It was first introduced in Great Britain in 1998. The results were impressive: the average student debt went from 3,000 ₤ in 2004 to 52,000 ₤ in 2012. In Quebec, where university fees are now planned to increase ten-fold in the next five years, the government claims to have no choice in the matter, because universities are severely under-financed. Yet, Quebec universities receive more money per student than in any other Canadian province. The problem is how the money is spent! Universities choose to underfinance teaching and overfinance research. Also, research is no longer fundamental, but mostly commercially oriented. More than 76 % of research budgets go into science projects and less than 8 % into humanities. The plan is to sell useful discoveries to the private sector against cash. Strange priorities for an educational establishment!

The 1999 Bologna Accords forced European universities to follow the K-20 anglo-american model. In 2012, there is now a single planet-wide educational system in which the mission of universities is four-fold: teaching, fundamental research, community service, and commercialization of research results. As they must survive on very tight budgets, universities are forced to accept public-private partnerships. Through donations, multinational corporations sit on the administration boards of most universities and impose their products on campuses (e.g. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds), along with their choices of research projects. For example, the Pentagon pays for half of the research funds in US universities. He who pays the piper calls the tune!

Education is also being gradually imposed to all ages. More and more professions require ongoing training from their members. Since society is evolving rapidly, it is important that all employees from multinational corporations learn new and better lies on an ongoing basis. This way, they remain competitive and are classified as “desirable elements” instead of “redundancies”. Lay-offs are common. Those who wish to remain employable must work extra hard. The time is over when one could graduate from university and say: “Phew! No more studies! I’ll never sit in another classroom again!” We might as well get used to it, since the World Bank, UNESCO, and the OECD are actually putting in place Lifelong Learning (LLL) programs. Their official purpose is to maximize “social cohesion, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, gender equality, personal wellbeing, competitiveness, the spirit of enterprise, and the efficient use of ICTs” (Information and Communication Technologies). An inspiring program! Whatever you do, UNESCO and its persuasive henchmen will eventually find you, reprogram you, and make you ‘benefit’ from their most recent mind-control technologies – probably for a hefty price. But don’t you worry – loans are easy to get!

Once we become conscious of this global agenda, should we continue to encourage young adults to get student loans for higher education? No! Should parents borrow money to help their kids attend college or university? No, especially now that the average household debt has never been higher! Who really wants us to “get an education”? The banksters! Considering the fact that most of what is taught from kindergarten to PhD is mostly mind-controlling lies, we end up paying the big price for educational idiotization and total economic enslavement. The solution becomes obvious: 1) Let us stop using government-sponsored education and its stifling loans; 2) Let us learn skills through experience and apprenticeship; 3) Let us remember that truth is internal. The more I learn to trust my innate knowledge, the less I will need to depend on external ‘help’!

Excerpt from Personocratia’s Booklet #8 – Education towards… Innate Knowledge – Purchase your copy on this site or at

Education: The High Price of Idiotization – PART 1

by Ghis > and Mado Sauve >


A typical classroom

Would you really learn physics if you were sitting in this classroom? Surely with a lot of difficulty! Piled up one on top of another, these students are expected to pass a difficult final exam at the end of the year. The same holds true for all other subjects. All these students will remember is how to obey without complaining, day after day, in intolerable learning conditions. A few US statistics will show the result of such learning conditions. Even if the education system is the country’s biggest employer, 50 % of high school graduates read so little that they cannot understand an 8th grade book. More than 20 % read under the level of a 5th grader, 20 % cannot find their own country on a world map, and another 20 % believe that the sun revolves around the earth. This situation holds true all over the world – including Canada.

On the administrative side, huge regional schools have replaced small local schools. Their centralized management no longer allow parents, teachers, or students to make any important changes. With this regionalization came a yellow tsunami of school buses. Riding the school bus has become traumatizing. Often piled up three per seat, children spend two hours a day on the bus in first grade. Mixed up with big kids, they witness insults, violence, theft, rape, racism, sexism, and prostitution – one blowjob for a few dollars. The bus driver may try to limit the damage, but it is difficult to manage fifty kids while driving on icy roads or in busy traffic.

In fact, 21st century schools have become a nasty combination of prison, hospital, and boarding school. Here is proof:

  • Between 1951 and 1961, radiation experiments were conducted on 110,000 children in Israel’s public schools. Repetitively, they received 35,000 times the maximum dose of X-rays on the head. Around the same time, 4,000 kids in US public schools faced similar treatments. Do you think that such physical abuse has stopped in the 21st century? Read on!
  • Several public health procedures take place in schools that are meant to dumb down kids’ brains or destroy their health – vaccinations, dental fluoride, psychiatric testing on individual and family matters.
  • Numerous schools now have front desk security, metal detectors, internal and external cameras, and armed security guards. In some countries, policemen visit schools on a regular basis to run operations related to drugs or weapons, with dogs on a leash and machine guns in hand.
  • Teachers watch students through hidden cameras that are integrated directly inside classroom computers. Some portable computers that are loaned to students are equipped with spying programs and cameras that allow teachers to watch kids and parents directly at home.
  • Because of severe budget cuts, school buildings are deteriorating and classroom materials are missing or obsolete. Teachers are often forced to pay from their own pocket to get the equipment they need for their job.
  • Some ready-made educational programs are given free or for a small fee by large-scale media. Time for Kids (45 countries) and l’actualité en classe (Quebec) are two of numerous examples. On the Internet, you can find free educational resources on all subjects – lesson plans, exercises, activities, games, and teaching tips. For example, Times Educational Supplement (TES) is a British site that offers 140,000 resources and 5,000 videos. TES is used by 1.5 million teachers in 196 countries and is financed by Charterhouse Bank.

Whether we know it or not, whether we want it or not, the 21st century school is emerging in all countries, thanks to the centralized efforts of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Surreptitiously, UNESCO has established its global educational monopoly and is working hard at enhancing planet-wide unity by destroying the main cause of individuality – the family.

Laws were passed to create a legal person, making the State the official owner of children. Parents became legal guardians and the State was able to dictate when and how it wanted its young citizens to be educated. Parental influence was minimized in the following ways: 1) by forcing children to spend most of their time in school, far from parents; 2) by encouraging both parents to work long hours far from their children; 3) by imposing unpleasant activities to both parents and children when they were together – homework; 4) by making the parent-child relationship dependent on a few fictitious numbers – school grades.

As for the curriculum, hidden under piles of false and useless facts lay its true purpose: to create physical, moral, and intellectual paralysis inside each child so that, once an adult, he would remain an eternal teenager, incapable of becoming self-sufficient and willing to follow blindly the orders of a superior while remaining convinced of his own biological inferiority. If we look around us, it is obvious that their efforts were wildly successful.

Excerpt from Personocratia’s Booklet #8 – Education towards… Innate Knowledge – Purchase your copy on this site or at

Authors: Ghis and Mado

Education: The High Price of Idiotization – INTRO

by Rhiame

Here is a series of 3 articles about the hidden agenda of Education along with solutions to get out of it. Knowing that education (through school, media, culture, and so forth) is the very tool used by the authorities to format humans into docile slaves with a hive mentality, it is essential to get informed before you or your children get educated!

Read more in Personocratia’s Booklet #8 – Education towards… Innate Knowledge – Purchase your copy HERE.

  • PART 1: THE 21ST CENTURY SCHOOL: IDIOTS DEVELOPMENT CENTER: It presents the reality of the school system as it is right now in western countries, and its ultimate purpose. A wake-up call for parents who still think that school is good for their children.
  • PART 2: EDUCATION: THE ULTIMATE SLAVE-TRAP: It exposes the real reasons for (a) making (higher) education easily accessible to the masses, (b) pushing young people and adults to chase after diplomas and (c) imposing continuing education for all. No need to go to school to do the math and figure out the cost of getting educated. .
  • PART 3: OUT-OF-THE-BOX LEARNING SOLUTIONS: This last article presents  some of the alternative solutions available to save your children – and yourself – from the idiotization process and lifelong slavery: homeschooling and apprenticeship. Discover a parent-child partnership based on truth where both walk the path of slave-deprogramming.