Ghis-richie allen show July 2016

Ghis – via The Richie Allen Show

Did I hear right? 

I don’t know if you feel the same way I do, but I don’t think it will be this year… at least we’re off to a bad start. Between the Orlando shooting with its 49 dead, the Brexit and its reprisals, the imminent financial collapse, the Nice attack with its 84 dead and 200 wounded… how could we relax? 

By knowing what’s really going on, beyond appearances. In reality, Truth-Consciousness is spreading on the planet and exacerbates at the highest degree the lie of the world of illusion in which we bathe. We are starting to see clearly. The absurdity of the systems we believed in- religion, politics, law, finances, health, education, family, society- is starting to become obvious. Hence the fierce counterattack of the forces of illusion, which are on the brink of disappearing.

Let’s rise above the triangle of hell-on-earth with its three players: victim (dead and wounded), culprit (Muslims), savior (government, with extension of the ”state of emergency” and ”reinforcement of security”). Let us instead see the reality which is hiding behind this adversity: an evolutionary gift, forcing human beings to once again find their true identity as sovereign individuals. Then our terror will give way to gratitude towards the actors of these unfortunate events. In this way, life has meaning. 

Since vacations are not necessarily favorable for these reflections, we’ve decided to overcome this by presenting the interview of Ghis by Richie Allen, a few days ago. 

Here’s the link:

Don’t Let The Medical Mafia Hijack Your Sovereign Body and Soul!

Here is the last interview of Ghis on the Richie Allen Show.

Ghis: Radio Interview with Richie Allen

volcania radio-richie allen

In this interview on  Volcania Radio, Ghis, a former medical doctor, explains how she discovered the Medical Mafia and the ultimate solution to reclaim our individual sovereignty.

She covers:

  • Why we should stop seeing doctors
  • Why vaccination is the biggest crime in human history
  • Why vaccines are pushed by the authorities
  • The involvement of emotional imbalance in disease
  • Dr Hamer and German New Medicine

Listen to the interview here (34 min.)



Madame Ghis in the Morning Show with Patrick Timpone



Listen to Ghis’s Interview HERE

Madame Ghis 2“At eighteen, I wanted to become a philosopher. However, I didn’t believe “thought” contributed much to the well-being of humanity, so I opted instead for a profession which, to my way of thinking, could make a difference, medicine.

I practiced it for over twenty years, although, whenever I could, I set aside one day a week for “thought”. Three subjects were of particular on-going interest to me: medicine, politics, and spirituality.
In medicine, I sought unlimited health. I was convinced that everyone could be in perfect health and that it could be achieved at minimal cost.
In politics, I wanted to decentralize power; to put it back into the hands of those to whom it belongs, the people.
As for spirituality, I searched for the absolute. I discovered the world of the invisible and its precedence over the visible world.
I traveled down many roads, teaching, writing books and articles, reporting, giving lectures and holding workshops. I also founded an association for business women. All the while, I pursued my medical activities, specialising in the field of phlebology. I established a number of treatment centres in Canada and in the USA. I came to understand the real inner workings of the health industry.
All this travel and experimentation made me realise that the only solution was individual sovereignty; the supreme authority lies within and each is sovereign and idessic.
I stopped fighting the authorities. I stopped trying to change the system, or the world for that matter. I stopped trying to play the role of a saviour. I learned to change myself and to obey my soul/conscience. I came to the conclusion that true idessity is inherent to us all as individuals. The original vibration which created the universe is within each person. I called it Idessa.”

Show Highlights:

  • We created the system; we think the authority is outside us, but it is inside each individual
  • Madame Ghis explains why she says, “stop going to the doctor!”
  • The only and ultimate power is within
  • Living in the world of illusion
  • Madame Ghis shares some background of how she landed herself in jail
  • The system is the body, the patient is the soul: The patient is serving the system when the system should be serving the patient
  • Discover who we are and become who we are is why we are here says Madame Ghis
  • Rockefeller started this system in 1910
  • Why do we want to trust someone other than ourselves?
  • Taking complete responsibility: Do we really need car, home, health and other insurances?
  • and more!