Yet Another Assassination!

We have to admit that assassinations have become a frequent occurrence. What is going on? What will bring an end to that practice?

Watch Ghis’ new video below.

The New Age Conspiracy

 Human beings behave like fish swimming in a double fishbowl of lies. They believe that the first fishbowl, the concrete world of matter, has been fully explored – minerals, plants, animals, etc. With this partial knowledge, they invented new technologies that allow them to live longer and comfortably. Yet, physical and biological laws only work some of the time. Irregularities are quickly classified as miracles or freak coincidences. We are too blind or too afraid to admit that these so-called laws are not set in stone. They simply represent habitual movements of matter and they can be altered. This concept is so revolutionary that we would rather lie to ourselves than accept the obvious. Therefore, we live in a world of lies, the first fishbowl, which corresponds to a mere 0.1% of reality, according to some quantum physicists.


The Second Fishbowl


As for the second fishbowl, the remaining 99.9%, it represents the subtle worlds that constantly influence the material world. These worlds are numerous – etheric, astral/vital, emotional, mental, causal, etc. We explore these on a daily basis when we sleep, daydream, meditate, or use recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and psychotropic medication. Some people study their subtle laws in religious, sacred and magic texts. Others use this knowledge to control the first fishbowl through magic spells, ceremonies, rituals, and sacrifices. They call powerful forces and entities, some “good” and others “bad” – gods, angels, aliens, djinns, demons, asuras – and try to orce these to fulfil their wishes.

 Again, the results are mitigated and the laws remain inconsistent. The subtle worlds are as deceitful as the material world – a double fishbowl of lies. On earth, the control of the first fishbowl has been organized by the global elite for thousands of years. Generation after generation, blue blood families have followed a long-term agenda of manipulation and deceit in order to reach the total temporal and spiritual domination of humanity, which they call the New World Order (NWO). This temporal (first fishbowl) control can only be achieved through spiritual (second fishbowl) means. This is why the global elite is so deeply involved in satanic rituals. This is also why they totally control the ROCSSSS: religions, orders, cults, secret societies, science, spirituality.


The New Age of Aquarius

The entities of the subtle worlds live a very long time, because their own space-time is very different from ours. When their « food » becomes scarce, the “gods” who feast on human vital and mental energies alter their harvesting strategies. Their words become adapted to humanity’s prevalent level of consciousness. Nowadays, many sacred calendars – written or modified by the elite and interpreted by elite-paid “experts” – indicate that we are entering a new era: the Age of Aquarius.

 In reality, this “New Age” is simply a return to pre-deluvian cabbalistic magic for the purpose of keeping the old world under the domination of the same entities and their big boss, the god of illusion. The latter is often called Satan (adversary) – or Lucifer (bearer of “light”). So-called sacred texts announce huge cosmic upheavals that will destroy the planet and present-day corrupt humanity. A new “golden” age will follow for those who can survive the cataclysms and evolve into the next species. However, as always in the fishbowl of illusion, the opposite is true. The changes are due to a critical mass of human beings whose souls and bodies are ready. They are bringing about the complete transformation of humanity, the same way fish stuck in their drying ponds held inside their bodies the next evolutionary step – amphibians.

Since we are the change and the god of illusion refuses to lose its food source, a gigantic spiritual and social engineering project has been put in place to keep us dumbed down and submissive. Guided by their satanic master, the elite has diligently followed the plan, step by step:

  1.  Scientific atheism is put in place in order for the masses to stop believing in the subtle worlds.
  2. Aliens and demons give advanced technological information to help the elite put in place the next steps of their master plan.
  1. Using this technology, the elite organizes the pollution, plundering and destruction of the planet, and the mind control of the masses.
  1. The elite-owned media excite our covetousness using mind-numbing propaganda. Its banks lend us the money needed to yield to the temptations produced by their multinationals.
  1. The elite creates the environmental movement, which presentsour poor earth as the victim of cruel, egocentric human beings.
  1. The spiritual elite (Satan-worshipping Jesuits) organizes New Age spirituality, the veneration of aliens and ascended masters (demons) channelled by the “chosen” (possessed).
  2. The elite’s secret technology (HAARP, chemtrails, vaccines) is used to increase earth changes and human control. It stimulates specific thoughts, emotions, desires, actions, and illnesses.
  1. Elite and aliens create human-alien hybrids (hubrids) with impressive occult powers.
  1. Presented as the culprit, the human ego needs to be technologically controlled by a collective mind.
  2. Eugenics (killing the rebellious) and trans-humanism (improving the submissive) insure the total control of humanity by the god of illusion and his minions.


New Age = Satanism + Technology

According to author Arthur C. Clark, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Most so-called spiritual manifestation can be produced technologically.

For the past decades, the elite gained access to technological information from aliens and demons. According to some whistleblowers, they are 10,000 years in advance of mainstream science and can easily simulate supernatural events such as miraculous healings, channeling, apparitions, telepathy, telekinesis, and so on. Many religions warn us profusely against such miracles as being the “work of the devil”, but New Age spirituality ignores their advice and overtly promotes occult powers and magic.

The New Age program was carefully conceived and put in place bythe elite, guided by its satanic master. Gradually, all religions were infiltrated and its leaders corrupted. It was important that religions appear old-fashioned and that their believers stop trusting the old lies, so that new, better-adapted New-Age lies become the new norm, promoted by thousands of good salesmen.

The UN is deeply involved in this propaganda, as evidenced by this statement from Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary-General for 40 years: “Peace will be impossible without the taming of fundamentalism through a united religion that professes faithfulness only to the global spirituality and to the health of this planet.”


From Atheism to ET-ism

For the elite, spiritual disinformation has become a well-honed specialty. Here is the basic recipe:

  1. Spread illusory religious dogmas that deform the messages coming from the true spiritual worlds (superconscient). This allows the god of illusion and his servants to strengthen his power and continue feeding on human vital and mental energies. Impose these dogmas through fear (sin, hell, confession) and force (religious wars, inquisition, hierarchical religious institutions). Keep adapting the dogmas to humanity’s level of consciousness.
  1. When human consciousness rises exponentially, deny the existence of subtle worlds by promoting Darwinism and materialistic atheism. Official experts must declare impossible and ridiculous any notion of invisible gods, angels, demons, elementals, and other such entities.
  1. Introduce false spiritual dogmas that help connect only to the lower subtle worlds (conscient & subconscient). Present all invisible entities as beneficial and evolved. Encourage magic (e.g. law of attraction) so that the mind serves human desires and spirituality remains materialistic and superficial.
  1. Through satanic rituals, open subtle doors (stargates) to facilitate the interaction between humanity and vital entities. (This was achieved by Albert Pyke, Alister Crowley, Jack Parson, Ron Hubbard, and many more.)
  1. Impoverish and falsify the spiritual vocabulary by merging concepts. For example, atheism (belief in no god) becomes a synonym of secularism (separation of church & state). Satanism, paganism and spirituality become indiscernible. All subtle worlds are combined into Jung’s “collective unconscious”.
  1. Create the myth of aliens from other galaxies who are more advanced than us technologically, mentally, and spiritually, as the publicity included here suggests. In secret labs, build flying saucers and false aliens (cloned GMOs) to organise a false invasion of nasty aliens and/or the arrival of nice humanity-saving aliens.
  1. Hybridize & microchip millions of people to make them easily “possessable” by demonic entities. Such hubrids can spread deceitful propaganda via books, congresses, interviews, etc.
  1. Popularize recreational drugs, channeling, possession (e.g.walk-ins) and occult powers. Drugs give an easier access to low subtle worlds and greatly facilitate a gradual possession by vital entities.

This recipe allowed humanity to go from the age of religions to atheism, then ET-ism. Even the Vatican agrees: “It is entirely credible that in the enormous distance between angels and humans, there could be found some middle stage – that is, beings with a body like ours but more elevated spiritually.”

More obvious is Pope Francis’ most recent declaration (April 2014): “Dear brothers, I wanted to tell all of you that we are not alone in the universe. Science has already made so much progress that, most likely, we will soon know our new brothers and sisters, with whom we will exchange a sign of peace. On that day, there will be wonder and we will remember that God is one and watches over us all.”


No, Thanks!

With such a statement from the pope, we might think that the elite’s satanic agenda is approaching fruition. We feel totally powerless when confronted with such a well-established long-term plan. Will it succeed? Despite the evidence, something inside tells me NO. I cannot accept that humanity faced so much suffering for millions of years just to go back to being petty slaves controlled by a collective mind – however benevolent it might pretend to be.

Something much greater hides inside me, screaming to be expressed. My sovereign soul wants to take charge of my body and express her magnificent truth. This is the real purpose of my being here at this moment. So, this is the path I choose.

YES, I will give myself totally to this marvelous divine agenda. However, I realize that I need to walk my talk. I’m ready to change my life, turn my old habits upside down, let go of all attachments, in order to make this world more than just a better place, but truly heaven-on-earth.

Illuminati vs. Consciousness

Jump-Out-Of-FishbowlNothing can stop the evolution of consciousness. Not even the Illuminati with their plans for a total control of the planet. But it takes these people and ‘malevolent’ forces to wake us up. All they can do is to force us to jump out of the fishbowl of death – the consciousness we are currently bathing in, which is hell-on-earth. Seen under this perspective, they play a crucial role in the transformation of human consciousness.

We need those people to make our lives so miserable and unbearable that there will be no other choice for humanity than to create the new idessic /supramental being[1] who lies within us. As long as human beings have enough to survive, even in the most appalling conditions of slavery, they will continue perpetuating the non-sense that is presently going on on the planet. So it takes the Illuminati and their plan to impose a global dictatorship over humanity to make us suffocate. It has to be suffocating. More and more people can already feel the suffocation, and it’s going to intensify. So let’s rejoice because it will accelerate the transformation process.

Whether I, as an individual, decide to change, to transform into the new being who is on her way to materialize deep inside me, or whether I decide to die of fear and exhaustion, as humanity has always done for millennia, the critical mass needed for the reversal of consciousness will continue growing –  with or without me. Nothing will stop that from happening because it’s unstoppable. But the more we are to decide to walk the path of the idessic consciousness, the faster the shift will take place – in other words, our suffering on this planet will shorten.

For myself, I’ve already made my decision: I chose to go with the winner – my soul. Only She knows exactly where to go and what to do for the realization of the idessic  being, and I follow her blindly. By doing so, I have a better chance to make it through, although there is no guarantee. If you want guarantees, then continue on the path most humanity is currently on, in the fear-based animal consciousness, where it’s a guarantee you will age, suffer and physically die.

Authors: Words from Ghis (Personocratia), gathered, translated and edited by Rhiame

  • [1] Idessic/Supramental consciousness: The consciousness that the Supreme Being is inherent to all that exists. The idessic/supramental being is the accomplished being who is both the unique creative spirit and its created matter – by opposition to the consciousness where the supreme creator or creative spirit is outside of or above the individual. Ghis uses the word ‘idessic’ to define this new consciousness, which meaning is similar to the term ‘supramental’ that Sri Aurobindo and Mother use.