Ghis Interviewed by Amy and John-Paul of LUV-A-LUTION

Follow Amy and John-Paul on their channel   / @luv-a-lution77

Hey Beautiful Spirits, Out There! 🌀

We are excited to Announce our very 1st guest on the LUV-A-LUTION Podcast was the wonderful Idessa Ghis. She is a pioneer, a trail-blazer, a truth seeker and speaker, a courageous spirit, and we consider Idessa Ghis a Luv-a-Lution-ary for sure! 💜 Ghis describes herself as an “evolutionary troublemaker”. She is a former medical doctor, entrepreneur, author, mother of four children and much, much more.

She has written many books including , “The Medical Mafia” and “What the Hell am I doing here anyway“. 📚

TO help humanity awaken to who they really are she offers workshops, interviews, content and much more. We are so grateful to have Idessa Ghis on our show. She has helped us along our journey, especially with her (10) Personocratia’s Booklets.

Through our Awakening process we have taken steps away from our old programs and beliefs to a new approach. Not an easy task to peel away the layers but these booklets have solutions and life-changing information that may help you! They teach us how to step away from the out-dated human being and how to start our path leading to a new species 💚 The solution is clear, follow your soul.

Find Her Work Here: YouTube Channel(s) French: / @personocratiadiesse English: / @personocratiaidessa

What about the end of fear NOW? Ghis’ interview by Tony Lohnes

We ask for freedom and we get more repression.

We keep blaming the 1% ruling the world,

But what about the 99% who keep accepting the situation

of being ruled by a minority?

What does the majority do to keep being ruled by the minority?

There is only one answer to that question and that’s what Ghis is going to explain in this video with Tony Lohnes from Nova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin Podcast.

The Missing Link- Jessie Hal with Ghis (Jan – 2023)

Hello dear sovereign souls,

It’s been a while since Ghis’ last interview. So here it is, Ghis is granting us with a gift to start this new year 2023.

Instead of talking about the past, she dives right away into focusing on the future and more precisely on what we can do concretely now that the truth about authorities is revealed in plain sight.

A nice reminder of who we really are and what is the decision each and one of us have to make for the planetary change to take place.

Are you willing to change your old ways of thinking and doing? Are you willing to let go of fear and tap into your sovereign being?

Enjoy this special moment with Ghis.



Walking On Air is interviewing Ghis on Inner Authority. In times where external authorities are losing their credentials, people are trying to find alternatives to outside governmental authorities. Here comes the time to explore an innovative path turned inward for those of us who are searching for the ultimate shift of consciousness.

“Speaking with author and xMD, Ghislaine Lanctot (now just Ghis). While still practicing as an MD, she wrote The Medical Mafia a little over 20yrs ago and subsequantly had her MD liesence revoked. Many times she has told me that it was what she wrote about vaccines that got her in trouble with the authorities. Ghis now does workshops mostly in french teaching people how to become thier own authority. For more information go to


Ghis and David Icke interviewed on the Liquid Lunch show by Hugh Reilly

Ghis’ and David Icke’s paths cross again, this time in Toronton where they are interviewed at the Liquid Lunch Show by Hugh Reilly on

PART 1 with DAVID ICKE: he talks about freedom of speech, censorship, central command and control economy, and how the frequency band of perception, the target awareness, controls reality


PART 2 with GHIS: she describes what to do to claim your personal inalienable sovereignty and freedom from oppressive law, government, and other corporate bullies. Get inspired just by listening to her words!




December 28, 2017 – January 6, 2018

Quebec, CANADA

For information and registration, contact Sylvie at and visit their website

Hillary & Donald Top the Playbill- 2016 US Elections

While the sky is in the midst of falling on our head, we are amusing ourselves with sensational electoral entertainment. What else can we do?

Even though Ghis was talking about the 2016’s election, this information is still up to date today.

To learn more, Check Personocratia’s booklet on Politics towards… Individual Sovereignty:


Ghis-richie allen show July 2016

Ghis – via The Richie Allen Show

Did I hear right? 

I don’t know if you feel the same way I do, but I don’t think it will be this year… at least we’re off to a bad start. Between the Orlando shooting with its 49 dead, the Brexit and its reprisals, the imminent financial collapse, the Nice attack with its 84 dead and 200 wounded… how could we relax? 

By knowing what’s really going on, beyond appearances. In reality, Truth-Consciousness is spreading on the planet and exacerbates at the highest degree the lie of the world of illusion in which we bathe. We are starting to see clearly. The absurdity of the systems we believed in- religion, politics, law, finances, health, education, family, society- is starting to become obvious. Hence the fierce counterattack of the forces of illusion, which are on the brink of disappearing.

Let’s rise above the triangle of hell-on-earth with its three players: victim (dead and wounded), culprit (Muslims), savior (government, with extension of the ”state of emergency” and ”reinforcement of security”). Let us instead see the reality which is hiding behind this adversity: an evolutionary gift, forcing human beings to once again find their true identity as sovereign individuals. Then our terror will give way to gratitude towards the actors of these unfortunate events. In this way, life has meaning. 

Since vacations are not necessarily favorable for these reflections, we’ve decided to overcome this by presenting the interview of Ghis by Richie Allen, a few days ago. 

Here’s the link:

Yet Another Assassination!

We have to admit that assassinations have become a frequent occurrence. What is going on? What will bring an end to that practice?

Watch Ghis’ new video below.

By the Way, What is Consciousness?

This month’s new podcast from Ghis.

This is not intelligence but consciousnes which will solve humanity’s problems. Yet, there are many interpretations to the word consciousness. Ghis explores it with us.

Banks Want What’s Best for You… Not!


Banks are about to confiscate the savings of their depositors.What does Personocratia do?
The answer in Ghis’s new podcast (click on the link below to watch the video).


 To learn more about money and the banking system, read the booklet #6 on Money. You can order it by contacting us directly.

Money Booklet 6