How Do I Know if It’s my Soul or my Ego Talking?

by Rhiame

In personocratia, we talk about making the transfer of power from ego to soul in order to create the shift of consciousness that we hope for. But how do I know if it is my soul or my ego talking? Since it is a recurrent question, I thought it was time to write about it, and share with you some simple tools to help develop your discernment.

ego-soul-talkingDifferentiating ego from soul is often tricky. First, because very few people had direct contact with their soul, therefore we don’t know much about how it feels. Secondly, a great deal of confusion is intentionally perpetuated by religion, spirituality and science to make sure people do not connect with their soul. Indeed, if they do, they would free themselves from domination, and that would mark the end of the world of illusion in which we presently live.

On the other hand, there is one character that we know intimately – he is the one who has been leading our lives for millennia. I call him Mr. Ego. He* is the one who would be much easier to identify. When we know it is ego talking then, by deduction, we know this is not our soul.

Presently, our mental, vital and physical bodies are under the governance of our ego 99.99% of the time. So, let’s get to know himGhis came up with simple recipes to help us sharpen our discernment, a necessary skill until we can establish a direct connection with our soul. Here are the three main characteristics that undoubtedly define ego.



The expressionlisten to your soulis often misleading. Indeed, the soul does not speak; it’s ego that speaks, and as a matter of fact, very loudly. In my search to follow my soul’s will, I often call on her for guidance, and usually, obviously, I expect an answer from her*.

Unfortunately, most of the time – if not all the time – the first answer that comes is not from my soul, but from my ego. I’ll use a little story to illustrate what happens in the background of our consciousness.

Let’s imagine that Mr. Ego and Ms. Soul live under the same roof (body), and there’s only one phone line in the house to contact either of the two. So, every time I call to reach Ms. Soul, it’s Mr. Ego who picks up the phone. He’s a control freak, a self-absorbed, noisy character that wants to be in charge of everything. He makes sure that Ms. Soul never answers the phone, and plays tricks so I won’t recognize him. He even changes his voice and his attitude to make me believe it is my soul talking. But when I learn the right tools to recognize him, I get taken in by his tricks less and less.

The Soul does not speak: she is a voiceless character that imposes her will smoothly by setting up life situations. She is more of a doer than a talker. When she manifests her will, she usually makes me do things that may not make any sense at first glance – from an egotistic standpoint. Often it sounds illogical and scary, but it is so strong that I feel compelled to do it. An inner state of ‘knowing’ or ‘feeling right’ is created. I’d like to quote Mother who said,If you ask yourself whether it’s the soul talking, then you know it’s not. This may clarify, if in doubt!



Ego always wants something or doesn’t want something. He is the one who makes me say: “I want more money“, “I don’t want to be sick“, “I don’t want to live alone, I want to find a companion“, “I need to be recognized”, and on and on.  By wanting or needing things, the ego is always attached to a RESULT that is tangible.

On the other hand, the soul does not want anything; she has no expectations and she is not attached to any outcome. The soul is only interested in the experience, the process. All she is interested in is the emancipation of my being, and in the evolution of my consciousness towards who I really am. Any life situation I may encounter is regarded as beneficial for that purpose; indeed, for the soul, there are no positive or negative life experiences – there are all working for the idessic/supramental realization.


3 –  AND FAST…

Ego wants  FAST. So each time I feel rushed to do something or to make a decision, I know it’s my ego’s impulse. Indeed, ego lives in a mortal reality where he believes that his time is limited. He is the one who wants me to do as many things as possible in a short period of time. He is the one who is afraid of missing an opportunity, and who does not want to waste time in things that do not fulfill his immediate needs.

Whereas the soul lives in the infinite present moment and is immortal. So each time I feel rushed to do or decide something, I must stop right away and give myself time to think it over. Concretely, I must shut down my ego’s big mouth which obstructs my clarity and prevents me from perceiving my soul’s inclination.  Only when my ego is silenced and put on the back seat of the car can my soul take the wheel, in other words, take the governance of my life, and lead me in the direction that will further her fusion with my body.

Not giving way to the ego and surrendering to the soul is essential for the realization of the idessic/supramental being. Here is a quote from Mother who explains the process: Those who wish to help the Light of Truth to prevail over the forces of darkness and falsehood, can do so by carefully observing the initiating impulses of their movements and actions, and discerning between those that come from the Truth and those that come from the falsehood, in order to obey the first and to refuse or reject the others.

This power of discernment is one of the first effects of the Advent of the Truth’s Light in the earth’s atmosphere…” (Mother’s Agenda, 1965)

Now that you have a simple tool, you can start practicing your discernment in order to transfer the power of governance from ego (falsehood) to soul (truth-reality). The less I let my ego lead my life, the more my soul takes over. And the more we practice, the faster we’ll get out of this appalling fear-based animal humanity that creates hell on earth!

* I purposefully defined ego as representing the masculine principle (having) and soul as the feminine principle (being).

Video Introduction To The Personocratic Consciousness

This new video released by DianeDares is a 2+ hours live presentation performed by Mado  during a workshop she gave in Ottawa, Canada, in December, 2013.

Whether you are totally new to the personocratic consciousness or you want to deepen your understanding about it, I highly recommend that you watch this well-rounded video as it gives you a global overview of the personocratic path.

Mado covers various topics such as:

  • the different parts a human being is made of
  • the ego and its different personalities
  • humanity’s evolution of consciousness
  • the external authorities: law, politics, religion, spirituality
  • the imminent physical transformation into a new idessic (divine) being.
  • and more…

Here is an excerpt of the video

Purchase your copy of the full video through the form below.


Illuminati vs. Consciousness

Jump-Out-Of-FishbowlNothing can stop the evolution of consciousness. Not even the Illuminati with their plans for a total control of the planet. But it takes these people and ‘malevolent’ forces to wake us up. All they can do is to force us to jump out of the fishbowl of death – the consciousness we are currently bathing in, which is hell-on-earth. Seen under this perspective, they play a crucial role in the transformation of human consciousness.

We need those people to make our lives so miserable and unbearable that there will be no other choice for humanity than to create the new idessic /supramental being[1] who lies within us. As long as human beings have enough to survive, even in the most appalling conditions of slavery, they will continue perpetuating the non-sense that is presently going on on the planet. So it takes the Illuminati and their plan to impose a global dictatorship over humanity to make us suffocate. It has to be suffocating. More and more people can already feel the suffocation, and it’s going to intensify. So let’s rejoice because it will accelerate the transformation process.

Whether I, as an individual, decide to change, to transform into the new being who is on her way to materialize deep inside me, or whether I decide to die of fear and exhaustion, as humanity has always done for millennia, the critical mass needed for the reversal of consciousness will continue growing –  with or without me. Nothing will stop that from happening because it’s unstoppable. But the more we are to decide to walk the path of the idessic consciousness, the faster the shift will take place – in other words, our suffering on this planet will shorten.

For myself, I’ve already made my decision: I chose to go with the winner – my soul. Only She knows exactly where to go and what to do for the realization of the idessic  being, and I follow her blindly. By doing so, I have a better chance to make it through, although there is no guarantee. If you want guarantees, then continue on the path most humanity is currently on, in the fear-based animal consciousness, where it’s a guarantee you will age, suffer and physically die.

Authors: Words from Ghis (Personocratia), gathered, translated and edited by Rhiame

  • [1] Idessic/Supramental consciousness: The consciousness that the Supreme Being is inherent to all that exists. The idessic/supramental being is the accomplished being who is both the unique creative spirit and its created matter – by opposition to the consciousness where the supreme creator or creative spirit is outside of or above the individual. Ghis uses the word ‘idessic’ to define this new consciousness, which meaning is similar to the term ‘supramental’ that Sri Aurobindo and Mother use.

Total Surrender by The Mother

In this video, the Mother reminds us what to do when facing difficult circumstances and conflicts. If you are not familiar with her work, keep in mind that when she talks about the Supreme or the Divine, she is referring to the supramental (Aurobindo) / idessic (Ghis) force[1]. Applying her principles may ease considerably your journey to transformation in these tumultuous times. If you are interested in learning more about ‘surrendering’ and how to do it concretely in your every day life, check out our workshops.

Video provided by DianeDares

“You see, in the present condition of the world, circumstances are always difficult. The whole world is in a condition of strife, conflict between forces of truth and light wanting to manifest and the opposition of all that doesn’t want to change which represents in the past what is fixed, hardened and refuses to go. Naturally, each individual feels his own difficulties and is faced by the same obstacles. There is only one way for you. It is total, complete and unconditional surrender. What I mean by that is giving up not only of one’s actions, work, ambitions, but also of all one’s feelings, in the sense that all what you do, all what you are, is exclusively for the Divine. So, you feel above the human surrounding reactions. Not only above them but protected from them by the wall of the Divine’s Grace. Once you have no more desires, no more attachments; once you have given up all necessity of receiving a reward from the human beings whoever they are and knowing that the only reward that is worth getting is that one that comes from the Supreme: and that never fails. Once you give up the attachment of all the exterior beings and things, you at once feel in your heart this presence, this force, this grace, that is always with you. And there is no other remedy. It’s the only remedy for everybody without exception. All those who suffer, it’s the same thing that has to be said. All suffering is the sign that the surrender is not total. Then, when you feel in you a ‘bang’ like that, instead of saying, ‘Oh this one is bad’, or ‘This circumstance is difficult”, you say, “My surrender is not perfect’. And then you feel the grace that helps you and leads you and you go on. And one day you emerge in that peace that nothing can trouble. You answer to all the contrary forces, the contrary movements – the attacks, the misunderstandings, the bad wills with the same smile that comes from full confidence in the Divine’s Grace. And that is the only way out, there is none else. This world is a world of conflict, suffering, difficulties, and strains. It is made of it. It has not yet changed. It will take some time before changing and for each one there is a possibility of getting out. If you lean back on the presence of the Supreme Grace, that is the only way out.”


  1. Idessic: Adjective that comes from Idessa[2]
  2. Idessa: The Supreme Being (that Sri Aurobindo named the Psychic Being) that is inherent in all that exists. Idessa represents the intrinsic creator inherent in all creation – by opposition to an external creator. Idessa is both the unique creative spirit (feminine principle) and its created matter (masculine principle).