Aliens, Egos And Souls: Who Are We In The Big Picture? (part 1)

by  Mado Sauve >

This exclusive series of articles written by Mado is aimed at those who are already aware of ufos, aliens, and abductions – but it goes beyond that. It clarifies some aspects of the phenomenon through a new perspective – that of understanding who we really are as human beings. If you are a contactee, abductee, or milab, this might open new possibilities.



Contactees boast of their special relationship with STO (Service-to-Others) aliens. Abductees claim that they are forcefully taken, then physically and psychologically abused by STS (Service-to-Self) aliens. Milabs  (military abduct-tees) receive similar treatments from black project personnel. Specialists tell us that millions of humans are presently involved in such programs, whether they know it or not and want it or not. I have met many of them throughout the 44 years that I have researched this subject and I know fully well that the phenomenon is real – and a crucial chapter of humanity’s history.



What can be truly called ‘real’? In fact, we live in a world of illusion where nothing we see, hear, or feel is true. Our experiences are totally deformed by our three ego-governed bodies: 1) The mental body with its false belief systems and distorted thoughts; 2) The vital (astral, emotional) body with its desires, yearnings, passions, and lusts; 3) The physical body with its animal needs and atavistic[1] habits.

Nowadays, the new item on the long list of abductee complaints is soul abduction. After being taken from bed to an underground lab or a spaceship, a ‘victim’ is put on a table and plugged to a special black box. With the use of advanced technologies and rituals, a reptilian entity – called a demon by those with a more religious mindset – is inserted into them. In the pre-technological days, this would have been called demonic possession.

The scenarios can be more elaborate still. What some people call a human ‘soul’ can be pulled out of a body and transferred to one of the following: 1) A look-alike clone with super-human abilities; 2) Another human; 3) A human-alien hybrid (hubrid); 4) An alien. The possibilities are endless. In some New Age circles, temporarily-possessed individuals have been presented in a positive light and fashionably called channelers. Even more mystically glamourous are walk-ins, who are actually fully-possessed humans.

Now, I am not suggesting that such scenarios are all lies. Au contraire, it is as real as it gets! The sudden disappearance of a person, their subsequent personality changes, the physical marks, the missing time, the implanted microchips, poltergeist phenomena, and many more obvious confirmations prove that something very dramatic did take place and, in many instances, keeps taking place over and over. The main problem is that we are missing some crucial information and this stops us from fully understanding the phenomenon of abductions. And with understanding comes power – the power to change things.

Let us look at the phenomenon in a different light. Our present knowledge of Homo sapiens – its history, physiology, and psychology – comes from Western thinking and linear-time scientific research and experimentation. Yet, we shun or consider as passé thousands of years of advanced studies in human consciousness that have accumulated in Asian countries, especially India. My preferred researchers on the subject, by far, are Aurobindo (Ghose) and The Mother (Mirra Alfassa). To their vision of humanity, I will add that of Personocratia[2], in order to see abductions with a new mindset.



We are taught in our elite-controlled schools that we are simply made up of a physical body with hormones to control our emotions and a brain to generate thoughts and take decisions. If we have a religious mindset, we might add that this body carries a soul. If we are spiritually inclined, we will also add a spirit to the lot.  Body + soul + spirit. That is as far as most curious people will go. So, when a person faces the abduction of an invisible part of herself while her physical body remains in bed, she immediately thinks her ‘soul’ or her ‘spirit’ has been stolen.

Well, humans are much, much more complicated than that. The disinformation brought about by religion, then scientific materialism, and lastly, New Age ‘spirituality’, has completely falsified our notion of ourselves. In fact, each one of us is made up of five completely different types of vibrations, each containing subsets:


  1. Spirit: the Supreme Being, individualized, outside of space-time, forever the same;
  2. Soul: that same individualized spirit, but evolving in space-time;
  3. Mental body: a mental form constantly exchanging with the multiple worlds of thoughts;
  4. Vital body: a vital form in continuous relation with the worlds of vital energies and emotions;
  5. Physical body: a physical form perpetually connected with the material and etheric worlds.

There is one unique individual spirit per being, whether rock, plant, animal, alien, entity, or human – anywhere in the universe. It is both inside and above each individual. Souls are very different. They are a specialty of Earth, which is the planet focusing on the evolution of souls. Other planets have other purposes. To evolve in matter, souls need the dense material vibrations of Earth’s space-time matrix. That is why souls keep coming back there, life after life.

Souls are not imprisoned – they plan each new earthly life with an intensity of purpose that we cannot imagine, since to us, our present life is more like hell than heaven. Who would want to come here, with concentration camps, chemtrails, eugenics, mind control, GMOs and nanotechnology, to name a few? Really! Yet, souls do want to incarnate here despite the present situation. It is the only place where they can evolve exactly the way they want.



The huge majority of people cannot be aware of either soul or spirit, which vibrate too fast for our regular consciousness. To some extent, most know their three bodies (mental, vital and physical) – at least the more concrete parts of these. However, each body contains numerous egoic personalities that occupy a certain portion of the space-time territory. Where do these come from? Every time a fear awakens in me, I automatically create a partially-conscious envelope around it. The more often this particular fear comes up, the bigger and more personalized this protected layer gets. So, we all suffer from multiple personality disorder. It is just more severe in some than others.

Most of us actually have hundreds such personalities, but the dominant ones stand out more than the others. When I say ‘I’, it is only one of the many ‘me’ that is talking at that moment and temporarily controlling my body. I take each one of these personalities to be me because they are using the same vehicle to go around, the same eyes to see, mouth to talk, and ears to hear.


Basically, my body is a big bus full of different types of people. None of them understands the highway code. The only one who knows how to drive is my soul. It is patiently sitting at the back of the bus, waiting for the driver’s seat to be empty, but, there is always an egoic personality behind the wheel. Sometimes, the bus gets stopped by a highway bandit: an alien, a demon, a djinn or another type of hungry entity. This being grabs one of the people on the bus and leaves (‘soul’ abduction) or gets onto the bus and tries to drive the vehicle in a new direction (demonic possession). However, nobody can abduct the driver-soul, because it has free will and it is invincible.

If the bus crashes (physical death), the driver-soul leaves to rest and plan its new incarnation, but egoic personalities keep on living for a while still. They all go in different directions. Those vibrating at the level of the subtle physical (etheric) hang around for a while, but dissolve pretty fast, since their energies cannot remain for long after their physical vessel has died. The vital egoic personalities go into their corresponding vital (also called emotional or astral) worlds and take longer to dissolve. The mental egoic personalities leave for the mental worlds and take even longer to disappear.

These false parts of me still think that they are ‘me’, but they are simply partially-conscious bundles of crystallised energy. If they are not ‘fed’ on a regular basis, they eventually stop existing, but this may take years, sometimes hundreds of years, if they are good at vampirizing humans or other entities from their own worlds. In the subtle worlds, the war for energy is on 24/7, but the notion of time-space differs from one world to the next. Meanwhile, my soul is still alive and well. It is the only immortal part of me in the game of space-time. (Remember that my spirit is outside space-time.)

My multiple egoic personalities remain perpetually connected to their corresponding universal worlds, which are swarming with forces and entities. Our bodies are basically public squares where beings, forces, passions, desires, emotions, thoughts, and ideas pour in and out. There is not much there that I can truthfully call ‘me’. Even the cells of my physical body keep being replaced every day. So, what part of me can I really call ‘I’?

Author: Mado


[1] Atavistic – A tendency to express the programs of past generations and those of earlier species in the evolutionary ladder.

[2] Personocratia – A person who knows that the Supreme Being is inside her and behaves accordingly in her daily life. The name was coined by Ghis (Ghislaine Lanctot), author of The Medical Mafia, What the Hell Am I Doing Here Anyway? and Personocratia’s Booklets series.

6 thoughts on “Aliens, Egos And Souls: Who Are We In The Big Picture? (part 1)

  1. Pingback: Alien, Ego and souls – My Blog

  2. Pingback: Planet earth as a Civilisation’s destroyer. ( The Real history of planet earth) – My Blog


  4. Pingback: Who Are We and Why Do They Fear Us? – A Rather Blunt Evaluation of the Various Views, Conflicts and Evaluations by the Visitors – Audio and Text –

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