Is a Homeless the Creator of His Fate?

by Rhiame

Question from a reader: “If you see someone on the street who is asking for money, do you share with that person if your heart so moves you to? Or, do you view that person as a Creator, living the experience of a homeless person? Or, as someone who has not acknowledged their souls leanings and has wound up in this situation? I am confused on how to view this. Could you explain through a personocratic point of vieModern-Times-Chaplin-homelessw?”

Rhiame’s answer: During a workshop that I gave in Los Angeles, California, a participant asked a similar question. The question that I asked her in return was: “What moves you when you see a homeless? What makes you want to give money to that person?” Let’s explore beyond the emotional feeling “I am moved, it affects me”.

The answer that came from the participant was a fear of becoming homeless herself and the possibility that no one would help her. By discovering the unconscious reason why she was affected by the homeless triggered an emotional outbreak. She saw herself in this homeless person.

The homeless is a reflection of my inner fear. What I see in the other, what moves me in the other is what is present in me that I don’t see. The other acts as a mirror that reflects my own image. I will be moved by a homeless as long as I still carry some of the fears associated to the homeless condition. These fears vary from one person to another depending on her past, culture, education, beliefs and values. But one of the most common fears is the fear of lacking money, and of being rejected and alone.

From a personocratic standpoint, each of us is the full creator (not co-creator) of the whole universe – consequently of our own lives.  Since the homeless is me, it is important to see that person as a creator as well – whether she is conscious or not of that fact. To see someone as a victim is to consider myself a victim. By definition, a victim is not responsible for what happens to her – therefore she is not the creator of her life; she blames others or circumstances for her fate. Seeing someone as the full creator of her fate does not mean that I become heartless, on the contrary. If the other is me, how would I like to be treated? How would I like the other look at me or talk to me? What would I really like to receive from others?

When meeting a homeless person, the question of whether I should give her money or not is not relevant.  What is important is to understand why I feel compelled to give money. It is a matter of identifying the fear that the homeless awakens in me in order that I heal that fear and move on to the next level of my personal evolution.

Once the fear is completely healed, I would probably not see the homeless anymore – it would not be part of my reality; since I am the creator of my life, I consequently create whether or not I see the homeless! Our field of consciousness is selective; we only become aware of people and situations that are relevant to our evolution. The phenomenon is similar to when a group of people witness the same event (a car accident or a movie), and when questioned on what they saw, none of them describes the same things. They only saw what was in their range of perception at the time – what was aligned with their level of consciousness. We can compare the person to a radio set: the inner frequency (consciousness) on which the person is tuned to at a specific moment can only pick up elements emitting that same frequency. That explains how people create their own reality that can completely differ from others. There are as many realities as there are individuals.

On the other hand, the homeless person is also a creator – most of the time unconscious but nevertheless the creator – and she created to experience poverty in order to evolve as well. Who decides that being poor is a bad fate and being rich a good one? Only the ego categorizes good and bad, right and wrong, etc. And it does that in terms of survival – for my own survival or the survival of the group, the species. What increases my chances of survival is considered good; what threatens my chances of survival is bad. But on a higher level, both experiences have the same value in terms of evolution in consciousness and are both essential to the evolutionary process as a whole. The poor need the rich and the rich need the poor right now in our reality of duality until we reach the reversal of consciousness* (*notion developed during the workshops).

Another thing that can happen once I heal my fears regarding homelessness is that I won’t be affected anymore when I see a homeless – I will feel at peace in her presence, emotionally neutral. When I reach this emotional neutrality, it’s then easier to consider the other as equal – as a creator like me, and not as a victim. And the other person would probably feel more comfortable in my presence too. The feeling of uneasiness on both sides will disintegrate as well as will the invisible wall of difference that separates the dominant (the one with money) from the dominated (the one with no money). Just that would help to establish a bridge where both can benefit from each other and evolve. Because in the end, when I heal my fear of being homeless, once I integrate that I am an unlimited creator and I am able to create abundance for myself, the homeless heals at the same time her own fear and belief that she cannot take care of herself and create abundance. It’s a revolving door that is more powerful than an exchange of money and goods.


To conclude, there will be homeless people as long as I fear of being homeless – in other words, as long as I believe I am a poor powerless sheep (victim – not responsible for what happens to me), unable to take care of myself, and who waits for an external savior to fix my destiny. Once I heal that fear and acknowledge who I am – an unlimited creator – homelessness, as well as poverty, will disappear from the surface of the planet, since what manifests outside me is just a reflection of what I carry inside. So the real solution to homelessness and poverty is not giving money, food or shelter to people – they are just convenient short-term quick-fixes. It is about healing my fears at the cellular level, and start acting like the unlimited creator that I am in every aspect of my life [read previous posts: The Difference Is In The Action —- and  Where Does All My Money Go?]. From that will emerge boundless abundance for all. That’s the real job, which indeed requires more effort and courage than giving a dollar bill!