When Money Sucks Me Dry

By Rhiame

I just read an article by Julian Websdale Illusory Money and the Economic System Construct (featured on WakingTimes.com and WarIsCrime.com) . As I was leaving a comment of appreciation, I got carried away and ended up writing a full article. So here it is.Eat_money_by_Saibel

I appreciate Julian Websdale’s article because he reminds us what the crucial element behind the money institution is: it’s not money in itself that they crave but the energy that it carries. As long as we are not aware of this factor, we cannot understand why these people (Illuminati / entities) keep on accumulating ad infinitum money that they cannot even spend.

As Julian mentions, money is indeed just an energy carrier, a conduct similar to a straw that feed the ‘controllers’ of the planet. Money is just another means amongst many others to get vital energy out of unconscious humans.

Related article: Beings From The Subtle Worlds and Human Vampirism

Without this vital energy that we produce through our emotions they die. This endless accumulation of energy guarantees them a prolonged life, their attempt to reach immortality to the detriment of other beings. Behind their relentless perseverance in sucking energy out of us is hiding their most dreadful fear: the fear of death.

Now that we become aware of these facts, the way the monetary system was created and its fundamental purpose, what are we going to do concretely? Are we going to continue feeding them and make them grow stronger by continuing using their “feeding tools” or are we going to stop using their means of controlling us and depleting us energetically?

A simple solution exists to stop this mess and their illusionary domination over humanity. It does not cost much; it does not require any massive organization, nor demonstrations nor governmental restructuring. The solution is there, within reach to all of us as individuals. How come it does not manifest at a larger scale?

Because we are all paralyzed with fear – fear of lacking of means of subsistence and fear of the authorities. When are we going to go into action, once and for all, and overcome our limiting beliefs and fears, that are by the way total illusion? Are we going to wait until we completely suffocate in our ever shrinking prison cell?

If it is what is needed to make us react, then the governments, the Illuminati and their inter-dimensional puppeteers are doing a hell of a job to wake us up from our lethargy. We should thank them! Then, we have no reason to complain about our appalling human life – and I am lucky, I live in a so-called ‘democratic’ country, so my life is still bearable in comparison to that of people living in countries with overt dictatorship.

Through Julian Websdale’s article and many other articles on the subject, it is obvious that the current monetary system with the interest on money is what creates poverty and perpetually increases it. I don’t need a PhD in economics to understand. The equation is simple: the more I use the ‘legal’ money and the services of its institutions (banks…), the more poverty I create for myself and others. Most of us want poverty to end and many of us are spontaneously inclined to donate money to people in need, directly or through specialized organizations. What a sad mistake. Indeed, when doing so I worsen the problem because I still use the very means that creates the problem in the first place. It’s the dog biting its tail!

What is left to do then? Let’s cut to the chase: I (as an individual) have to stop using progressively (or totally if you feel ready) any ‘legal’ monies and the services of financial institutions whether it’s through the use of cash, wire transfers, bank accounts, checks, loans, mortgages, investments, stock exchange, etc. The question that arises next: how are we going to sustain ourselves and survive? There are thousands of exchange systems already in place all around the world, some more organized than others. The G.A.M.E. (www.gardenofexchange.com) is in my opinion the most sovereign exchange/money system, and also the cheapest and easiest to implement and use.

The first step to get out of the financial system would be to start looking around you and see if there are any exchange groups already in your area. Then register and start participating as often as possible. Also, start shifting your way of thinking: make those exchange systems your primary way of getting your goods and services, and make secondary the “legal” money to get things you cannot find within the exchange groups. Don’t hesitate to register to several groups (all of them is even better!) to get as many goods  and services from your local community,  and create an economy of abundance right at your doorstep.

The second step would be to start using exclusively cash to pay all your every day expenses, from the groceries to utilities, rent, car repair, cellphone bills… the list is endless. I’ve been doing that for a few years now and I know many people living this way. Yes, it requires a different organization but what’s a little bit of our time and ingenuity for freedom and wealth? Always the same, we are so accustomed to ‘easiness’ that laziness makes us stay in our prison. We don’t even need bars anymore, our ‘controllers’ have fathomed human psychology to their advantage.

The transition to one way of trading to another is difficult to do all at once for most of us. But we can at least implement few things that we feel doable at the present moment in our lives. Then as we go, as we start seeing other (much promising) possibilities of sustaining ourselves, of creating a life of abundance and comfort for ourselves, once our illusionary fear of lacking progressively dissipates, then we can move further in our actions to get out of the ‘official’ system and let go of the ‘legal’ money.

Our ‘masters’ have worked hard to make us believe that without ‘official’ money and a government-controlled economical system to manage it, the world would live in a state of misery and starvation. The opposite is actually true. Without the official monetary system and without interest on money, abundance for ALL will manifest on its own, naturally and effortlessly. No need of experts in economics to figure out how to create wealth and harmony, it’s inherent to our human nature, when we look beyond the veil of illusion that masks our true reality

  • This article was translated in French by Helios and published on BistroBarBlog



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